Markov Random Classification for Optical and Radar Image.
Global climate change
which is caused by the increment of green house gas become major problem to the
world, it is affected by deforestation and forest degradation (or usually
called as Land cover change). Therefore we will need some tools or mean which
can monitor deforestation and forest degradation. LAPAN as government authority
has one of function which monitors Land cover through image satellite. The
image satellite provides land cover spatial information. Kalimantan (one of
island in Indonesia)
which has land coverage majority is forest was taken in this research. These
image satellites produced based on radar and optical sensor.
The Markov Random Field
Classification (MRF classification) method was picked up as the method to determine
land cover classes, for example like forest and non forest class. Before the
MRF Classification process, we will process an image with Bayesian approach in
unsupervised mixture model. Other classification method is picked up too as a comparator
to MRF classification like Maximum Likelihood. Radar and optical image
satellite in portion of Kalimantan area are
used for classification.
The algorithm will be designed
for classifying radar and optical image with MRF Classification method. Later
output result from the algorithm can distinguish the difference of forest and
non forest class or a class which has own unique pattern rather than other
classes. Some statistic hypotheses can be used for testing final result land
cover classes for its accuracy.
The framework is described in picture below
Bidang Fokus : Pengembangan
Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIK)
dengan salah satu dari tugas pokok LAPAN yang menyelenggarakan fungsi dalam ”Penelitian, pengembangan dan pemanfaatan
bidang penginderaan jauh, serta pengembangan bank data penginderaan jauh
nasional dan pelayanannya”, dalam hal ini berkaitan dengan bidang fokus
yang dipilih, dimana bidang tersebut mencantumkan ”..pengembangan
teknologi satelit diharapkan mampu mendukung fungsi pengawasan hutan dan
deteksi kebakaran hutan...”. Pemanfaatan teknologi satelit banyak digunakan dalam
pemantauan atau pengawasan hutan khususnya teknologi satelit yang mampu merekam
citra penginderaan jauh. Lapan banyak menyimpan citra satelit yang berfungsi
memberikan informasi spasial.
Studi yang akan dipilih mengenai pengolahan citra digital penginderaan jauh
selama 2 tahun serta penelitian pengembangan metode pengolahan citra satelit penginderaan
jauh multisensor.
mengapa Program Beasiswa Pascasarjana Kemenristek sebaiknya memberikan beasiswa
Program Gelar kepada calon Karyasiswa yang bersangkutan adalah karena kualitas
Sumber Daya Manusia di LAPAN masih perlu
ditingkatkan maka program ini akan menunjang
penelitian yang saya pilih.
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